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Lars Brouwer Martinez
Industrial Design Engineering Student

I design purposefully

My design process all about understanding the context, the user, and the story they're a part of. Through extensive research, I delve into the context of a project, uncovering the deeper needs of the domain. This context-driven approach allows me to discover the always compelling narrative on a deeper level, consequently shaping designs that resonate beyond aesthetics or functionality. My passion lies in designing purposefully, in creating experiences that stimulate a sense of belonging, connection and meaningfulness. It fulfills my imaginative nature. I want to spark emotions, inspire action, and ultimately, contribute to enriching the user's world through my designs.

I translate complex challenges into meaningful design solutions, because I understand the 'why' in my design reasoning matters most.

How I think

I thrive on complex challenges and in high-pressure environments. Design thinking is my go-to approach for untangling complex and multifacetet problems hollistically. My strategic way of thinking together with a methodical and structured process allows me to bring order to the chaos that is the non-linear and iterative process of design. I'm a quick learner, constantly open to new information and perspectives. This openness and agility results in my ability to discover compelling design narratives. I keep asking myself 'why?', challenging my design reasoning at every step. The result is a complex situation translated into a coherent and comprehensive story. Together with high quality visualisations I have been able to clearly communicate my thought process and meaningful design solutions

My software skills

adobe illustrator 2020 Logo Icon Download_edited.png

My previous work

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